Uses of Crack Monitoring Equipment in Construction

Cracks in masonry are strong evidence that the building material is experiencing active cracking. There are many different causes of this, such as settlement and foundation erosion, vandalism by renovators, material decay, change in materials and material geometry, moisture and temperature changes, or general structural failure.

Monitoring and evaluating cracks in masonry can be done using simple methods including measuring by tape and pencil, glass and epoxy, and a specialized crack monitoring equipment. Crack monitoring is an essential standard for construction and maintenance of different types of masonry foundation as it indicates different types of damages to foundations.

General cracking in foundation piles and piers, for instance, is mostly due to the rotation or settlement of the pier footing. Vertical bulging or cracking of masonry wall, on the other hand, is commonly due to poor construction, overstressing, or a general deterioration of the pier because of exposure. Bowing or horizontal cracking can be caused by the swelling, freezing, or heaving of water-saturated soils that are adjacent to the wall or by improper backfilling.

Differential settlement, which also causes cracking in masonry walls, and foundations, may also be caused by many other different things like soil shrinkage, soil consolidation, soil heaving, soil swelling, soil erosion, and soil compaction. Inadequate foundations may also cause masonry to lean and eventually crack.

Crack monitoring is an essential safety precaution in different stages of construction as well as during building maintenance. It helps in quality assurance and in examining/determining the probable causes of fissures and cracks so that they can be remedied immediately and prevents more costly repairs. It is essential in the erection, installation, construction, application, and maintenance of masonry so that cracks, due to material expansion and compression, thermal changes, moisture content fluctuations, material decay, erosion, and structural failure can be addressed as they occur.

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